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Friday, June 24, 2011

The Ride To Conquer Cancer - June 25 & 26, 2011 - Not Just Another Fund Raiser

He pointed the narrow tire towards the horizon and readied his legs to make the circles - as he had done so many times before - on trails and roads and gravel and sidewalks; in the rain, the wind, and the sun.  For cancer again he'd ride.

Each morning we all awaken to the beckoning whisper of purpose; that which smiles upon us and invites us to fulfill its often mysterious call.  It plays out differently for each of us, but it is the same opportunity for one, as it is for all.

The subtle hum of rubber to pavement sung in harmony with the powerful thrust of his muscular legs, and as the cancer survivor rode the final mile, he looked back quickly with sweat on his brow at all the miles as they cascaded forward in images of that which brought him here ... the days and weeks and years of laughter, joy and wonder; the pain, uncertainty and tears.  It is a journey.  No one knows the trials of illness best whose hands have not been shaken by, or in service to, it.  We are never quite the same.

Ride safe, successful and with gratefulness, dear survivor.  Celebrate your purpose!

Tomorrow begins the annual two-day Ride to Conquer Cancer (RTCC) event regularly attended by thousands of riders and supported by their generous donators all across the country who have been affected by cancer as survivors, caregivers, or friends and family of both.  I give thanks to friends participating in this year's ride - and the tribute above is dedicated to my dear and special friend Alan Hobson: a two-time cancer survivor who has made it his life's purpose to give back to survivors through his commitment to helping people "climb back" from cancer.  
In memory of my dear mother Mildred (lung/liver cancer), my father Elmer (AML Leukemia), my sister-in-law Theresa (lung/liver cancer), my sister-in-law Tina (lung cancer) and in celebration of my sister Shearon's successful battle with, and climb back from cancer.  

If your life has been touched by cancer in some way, and you wish to support a rider, it's never too late to do so.  I wish to acknowledge the following friends for their efforts by providing their RTCC personal pages:

Diane "The Little Powerhouse (Too!)" Iwanchuk

Dave "The Wicked-Witted Brit" Curtis

Sylvie "Scrambling Legs" Jago  

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