(Illustration: Sky & Telescope)
365 Days of Change: Once in a Blue Moon
DAY 11 - WEIRDNESS (August 31, 2012)
What was the blue moon issue really all about today? And is there anything creepy about it?
As I understand it, this month we had two full moons: one at the start of August, and one this evening. I spent some time reviewing documents on the 'net, but lost interest due to the convoluted explanations and differences between sources as described by Sky & Telescope - so you're welcome to review it for yourself.
The moon wasn't blue at all, but it's not supposed to be unless there are atmospheric anomalies like smoke or other impurities influencing the color. I hauled out the binoculars, and the lunar surface looks pretty much the same - except I'm fairly certain it has more craters today than when I used to gawk at it as a kid with my dad's field glasses while laying inside a roofless igloo. The brightest shooting stars I ever saw were caused by twenty pounds of plastic and glass slipping out of my frozen hands and whacking me hard between the eyes. You can get away with uttering a lot of F-words late at night in your igloo with both parents in the house, fast asleep. It's really quite liberating.
I didn't do anything special for this blue moon like go skinny dipping, or park somewhere high in the city to ogle it like everybody else. I pulled my bedroom curtains open so that my cat could bask in moonlight on the window sill. I lit a pile of candles, placed several quartz crystals out in the backyard to be recharged, then grabbed a few pieces of bison jerky with a can of Lucky Lager beer, and wrote this blog. Uh, excuse me?
Which part? The bison jerky and beer, or the recharging of crystals? Okay, I agree, that last bit sounds a bit creepy, but I've been involved in crystal healing for a few years, and have given public presentations on it. I don't just climb piles of rock, I haul some of them back with me! Every room in my house has rocks or fossils strewn around in choice locations. If any of them paid rent, the mortgage would have been resolved long ago.
The moon and sun, recharges crystals. Water also cleanses them. There isn't anything Twilight Zonish about this because energy manifested from celestial bodies influences geological structures. Try to think of crystals as batteries. Why else did we once have crystal watches? Crystals are natural conductors, they'll project and absorb - depending upon their type and specific application.
The moon has two phases of importance - a phase of ascending and descending, as well as two important stages of full moon and new moon. The energy of ascending moon is related to new beginnings, optimism and hope, whereas the energy of descending moon is related to those things that we would like to diminish, like reduced debt, negativity, and illness. Full moon is related to love and abundance, and crystals charged during new moon help with introvert activities, like mediation and contemplation. I'm not sure if the "blue moon" has any distinctions above this, but I'll probably find out when I haul them back in off the grass.
What did you do for today's blue moon? Did you know about it, or did it crest over you while you were dreaming and I was drinking cheap, 5% beer? This has to be the weirdest post I've ever written. I don't know whether to be happy about it, or just apologize. Don't bail on me, okay? There is hope after the lunacy of a blue moon passes, and there are still 354 days left. I'll be ready for the nut ward on day 365. There will be a break-free party like no other.
"The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to." - Carl Sandburg
It is NOT 5:06 AM. It is 6:06 AM.