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Monday, August 27, 2012

365 Days of Change: What's it All About, Anyway?

365 Days of Change: What's it All About, Anyway?

DAY 7 - PASSION & PURPOSE (August 27, 2012)

This really should have been the premier post in this series, but all the reasons why I decided to take on this I'M POSSIBLE! commitment for an entire year hadn't spent much time with one other, yet.  Popcorn Brains (creative thinkers who spontaneously burst forth concepts and goals with minimal planning) can be like that.  They go manic, running around like town criers with ideas held high, scaring all others who need framework and a little warning.  Then they pass all the logistics and budget discussions along to their support teams or partners to labor through.  Administrivia.  Thank God I'm a hybrid blend of the Popcorn Brains and everybody else who understands it takes a few walls to hold up a ceiling.

All I knew is that I was fed up (not exactly a motivator endorsed by The Secret!).  Fed up with "some day."  Fed up with seeing exactly what my strengths were and where I wanted to go with them, sit idle.  And then I read Sir Ken Robinson, Ph.D and Lou Aronica's "The Element."  

I read an awful lot of things.  And yes, my shelf carries The Secret, The Power, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle  Maintenance, Law of Attraction, and every book written by mountaineer Joe Simpson because he has the most advanced command of the English language for a modern outdoors writer.  But it wasn't until Robinson explained: "the Element is the point at which natural talent meets personal passion.  When people arrive at the Element, they feel most themselves, most inspired, and achieve at their highest level" did I get it.  Light bulb, now fully on.  He adds that to be in The Zone is to be in the deep heart of the Element.  When we are, it transforms our experience.  We live in the moment.  We become lost in the experience and perform at our peak.  In my experience, whatever I end up doing that aligns with what comes naturally injects more energy, happiness and reward into my life.

I love to write.  I've been hired several times for it; even had a Laurelized role plunked into an org chart for a few years.  I'll carve out my niche with it.  I love connecting with others - making them think, question, and laugh.  I love the organic challenges and rich, invigorating Elements of the mountains, and helping people to step outside of their comfort zones while out there.  When asked in a 7 Habits of Highly Effective People workshop what my life's mission statement was, the answer came clean in under seven seconds: I am a Messenger (Latin: Ego Sum a Viator).  I'm still working on morphing it all together into something that will "attract unlimited abundance."  This blog is for me.  This blog is for you.    

What does your Element consist of?  What are you talented with and passionate about?  Where can you take it?  Passion and Purpose.  Impossible is I'm Possible. 

"Passion and purpose go hand in hand.  When you discover your purpose, you will normally find it's something you're tremendously passionate about."  - Steve Pavlina


  1. Very cool Laurel. "Being" in your element is so much easier to achieve when you are doing something you are passionate about. I suppose the real challenge is to be in your element in your day to day life and there for, live more of your life in the moment.
